Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Of Androids and the Everlasting Fetish

It's just been an year since I bought my Moto Milestone, but it has already started looking very old and outdated in terms of hardware. The 600MHz single core processor on it pales in front of the 1GHz dual-core Tegra's and Snapdragon's that have come out. Responsiveness is the most essential feature of any cellphone, and the Milestone seemingly lacks that now, in comparison with those dual-cores. Not to mention the buggy 2.2 Froyo upgrade from Motorola that kills my home screen time and again, and adds to my frustration.

I have been contemplating buying a new blazzzing-fast, top-of-the-line, state-of-the-art android for sometime now. Samsung's Galaxy series automatically comes to mind, even though their reputation is notorious when it comes to delievering pure android experience. They spruce up the UI quite a bit I hear. The other option being Nexus-S that has launched recently, but looks overpriced when compared with a similarly juiced Galaxy. The Galaxy S-II with its super hardware, was looking very tempting and then came the news of Samsung working on its next flagship Galaxy S-III. Though the release is slated for 1st quarter next year, another news that has grabbed my attention, and put my Galaxy plans on hold, is that of Nvidia being in the process releasing a QUAD-CORE(!!) mobile processor, code-named Project Kal-El. Even my laptop doesn't have a quad-core as of now! The details about the graphics performance are impressive, and makes me longingly look forward to its release and subsequent release of an android featuring it.

Besides, now that not many handsets are being released with hard qwerty keypad, the focus having been shifted to swype instead, I think I will need to reorient myself towards swype, let go of the hard-qwerty drool, and grab the first Tegra quad-core android that comes out in the market.

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