Monday, April 24, 2023

Yeah, I sleep here. Like a king.

"Yeah I sleep here. Like a king! When sometimes they would let me. Not a bad place yeah?

But sometimes some people don't like me here. They probably find it very audacious on my part. It's not my place afterall. So I leave and sleep on the road instead. It's summer. So road is a better place to sleep anyway. It's cool, it's wide. You can roll around any which way you want and people don't mind as long as you don't come in their way. It's a bit hard and somewhat risky, but you sleep better on a hard surface they say. And what's life without risks.

The winters are different story though. Those are the times when I really wish they would let me sleep on this couch. Cold is biting here in winters, and this couch can be warm sometimes. Sleeping on road or a pavement is very uncomfortable. I sometimes go sleepless whole night. But then sleeping in the cozy sun the next morning is the silver lining I keep looking forward to, during those nights.

They wake me up and shoo me away all the time if I sleep in the day though. But I have learnt to live with that. It must be causing them some kind of trouble, otherwise they wouldn't do that. People are nice here.

Also rolling in the sun, when no one's watching, and then going to sleep again in the warmth is such a nice a feeling.

I don't mean it bitterly, but I am not used to warmth and that makes those wintery mornings very special for me. The warmth reminds me of my mom. She used to look after me so caringly. She would sleep on the road herself and would let us (me and my brother) sleep in her fold. And then she would lick us till we slept. It was such a warm place. And we would sleep without a care in the world.

I don't know where she is these days. Some people took her away when I was couple months old. She was very restless when they caught her. My brother said they took her away because she was ill. I don't know. They took him away too. He was not ill.

Anyway, time to sleep now. Just give me a shout if you don't like me sleeping here, I will find some place by the roadside, no problem."