Saturday, July 17, 2010

Fuck the "Peace-Process", will you?

It was so infuriating to see Indian pride trampled at the hands of some stone-age barbarians ruling Pakistaan. What is absolutely horrific is that the Indian leadership still wants to continue "constructive-dialogue". Fuck the dialogue for god's sake. This is not a dialogue, but a monologue with the Pakistani leadership hell-bent on showing India down in whichever way possible. Even though that way involves trashing international protocol and behaving like teenage dorm-room bullies, with your guests. The message is loud and clear - THEY DON'T WANT A DIALOGUE - they just want to play with and insult India. They must be having such a fun. Dangle the peace-carrot towards India. India makes noise about terrorism, but then falls in line eventually and goes for the carrot, and presents them with an opportunity to slap her across the face. That too by a state like Pakistaan, which could never match the defence capabilities, let alone progress of India; a nation which is on the brink of bankruptcy due to failed attempts at matching India's military strength by borrowing funds and technology from anybody and everybody; a nation which has long nurtured a deep inferiority complex towards India, and hence is always on a lookout for an occasion for mud-slinging and bickering to pull India down anyhow. WHY THE FUCK DO WE NEED A DIALOGUE WITH SUCH A NATION?

Is that because we know Pakistaan is already a failed state and that it has got nothing to lose in a fight/war with India? Is that the reason we are being aggressively-defensive? Do we fear
that a nuclear attack from a nothing-to-lose state will destroy our well-to-do cities? Then why don't we redirect all our energies towards a star-wars like project, rather than wasting millions on the doomed peace-process and J&K upkeep? If we can send a satellite to moon, we are very much capable of developing technology for defending ourselves from such an attack. Why are we under such a moral obligation to keep the peace-process going? Even at our own expense? Will we ever learn anything from Israel? Just because we are bigger and stronger than Pakistaan doesn't mean we have the moral responsibility to be understanding. This is not about inter-personal relationships. This is about inter-state inter-national relationships. One shouldn't apply moksha-centric inter-personal-relationship guidelines to international matters. As far as international relationships are concerned the whole world is still in the stone age, with nations bullying each other on the basis of their military strength (although every nation has it's own mask to hide such an instinct from others). So rather than trying to be a teacher's pet here (and we all know who the 'teacher' is), be the bully, show your might and take the dogs head on. India's pride is at stake here for god's sake!!

The idiots at the helm of India right now, need to understand this. Getting rebuked at the hands of dogs DOES undermine an elephant's pride. So either don't pay attention to the barking dogs; or if you do, then make sure that YOU dictate the terms, not the dogs. And if you can't do this, you don't deserve the power. Step down and leave for Himalayas.

In case the reason for this outburst is not clear to you, read these news items -
Agra again: Qureshi kills peace talks
Islamabad's 'recklessness' may've been part of script

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