Sunday, July 27, 2008

Hello World!

The customary first post …. Living up to the programming languages lingo and traditions …

A little bit about what this yet-another-blog is going to be about in future. I intend to (b)log my thoughts, my experiences etc etc though this platform. That also means, in case you decide to keep reading it, you will also need to put up with revs and rants and sarcasms and euphoria that I fall prey to, time and again. Also I must confess of my inclination towards using some gentlemanly, suave expletives (like the f-word). So in case you are a child, go away. Even though you are going to use to these words when you grow as old as me (or even before that, who knows), you are not expected to start this early. Go play with hamsters.

Coming back to the mainline, this is the first time I am blogging anything; so by no means I promise quality right from the word go. But will try to keep it interesting.

So stay tuned … if I may say so!

It is kinda weird to appeal to stay tuned to your blog, when you know you can't have a reader base initially, before probably getting few interesting posts under your belt. But hey, though it was weird, being weird is in vogue these days. In fact, being weird is probably the most essential thing for becoming a celebrity and hogging limelight …..…… Somebody said Rakhi Sawant? Ssshh … Bad boy!


Stay tuned then …. ;-)



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